Monday, February 25, 2019

Getting Healthy While Not being Able to Exercise

Okay so you know I have tried it all!  And Girlfriend, this losing weight thing is not easy.  I have done Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Advocare, Adkins, Keto .... you name it, I have tried it.  On this the Eve of my second Ankle surgery in less than a year, I am extremely concerned about gaining weight during recovery.  Let's face it, I am obese.  There I Said IT!  I am obese!  Now that the ugly word is out of the way, Let' Chat.

I wasn't always this way, just ask my family.  I was known as the String Bean of the family.  Cut cheekbones, collar bones showing, bones showing, Hell I was Wraith thin before Kate Moss made it a Thing.

But I grew up, I got married, I took fertility drugs, had a child and well life just happens.  Before you know it, I weighed 125 lbs more than I did in the picture of me in my wedding dress.  So here I am Obese (ugh! What a horrible word), undergoing a surgery that will mean no weight on my ankle for at least 10 weeks and then another 4 months of recovery and physical therapy.  What's a girl to do to keep from gaining even more weight?

Well, I am trying something totally different.  I will have 5 fuelings every day then one good healthy meal at night.  I have already been doing it for the past 6 days (today is my Day 6) and have lost 4 lbs and 4.5 inches.  So that's a start!   Join me on my journey!  #girlonfire #neverloseyoursparkle #iknowican #prayforme

Type A Southern Belle